Take a Survey

This survey is an anonymous way for you to give us feedback about this site. You are not required to answer all of the questions. Because responses will not be made to survey submissions, this is not the appropriate place to ask a question if you are expecting a reply. Any information you provide below will be used strictly to help improve this website. Your feedback is appreciated.

First, tell us a little about yourself.
1. Where are you located?
2. What is your gender? Male Female
3. What is your age range? under 13 13-19 20-29 30-39
40-49 50-59 60-69 over 69
4. Do you currently have finches? Yes No, but I used to. No, but I want to.
5. If you answered yes to question 4, how many finches do you have?
6. What types of finches, if any, do you have or have you owned? Check all that apply. zebra society cordon bleu owl
orange cheek strawberry spice
star shaft-tail parrot nun java
orange weaver european goldfinch gouldian other
Next, tell us about your experience with this website.
7. How did you find this site?
8. Did you find what you were looking for on this site? Yes. No.
9. If so, was it easy to find the information you were seeking? Yes. No.
10. What did the information you were seeking concern?
11. What do you like MOST about this site?
12. What do you like LEAST about this site?
Please rate the following parameters.
13. Navigability of this site. Poor Fair Good Excellent
14. Look and feel of this site. Poor Fair Good Excellent
15. Usefulness of this site. Poor Fair Good Excellent
16. Scope of article topics. Poor Fair Good Excellent
17. Detail of articles. Poor Fair Good Excellent
18. Readability of articles. Poor Fair Good Excellent
Finally, suggest changes you would like to see made to this site.
19. What other finch-related topics would you like to see this site cover?
20. How can we improve this site?

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