Health Matters

Health Pyramid
Factors that contribute to avian health.

Articles in progress:
  • Conditions of the Normal Finch
  • Prevention: the Best Policy
  • Quarantine & Biosafety
  • Hygiene, Cleaning, & Disinfecting
  • Preventative Medicine
  • Recognizing a Sick Finch
  • Constructing a Hospital Cage
  • Veterinary Health Exam
  • Evaluating Finch Droppings
  • Importance of Necropsy
  • Treatments & Dosages

Important Note: Unless you are a licensed veterinarian with up-to-date knowledge on avian medicine, you cannot diagnose and treat avian illness from a book, a phone call to the local pet shop, or even from websites on the internet such as this one. The best way to seek the correct diagnosis and treatment of disease is to present your bird to a veterinarian experienced in avian medicine. As a finch-enthusiast, your job is to keep yourself informed of what to watch for, and to demand the best care for your pet. The health section of this website is written with the intention of arming the finch-keeper with knowledge, and is NOT meant to be used as a list of "symptoms and 'cures.'" If you feel your bird may be ill, seek veterinary care immediately.
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