Learn what chicks to expect from a given pairing.
- Definitions of Terms - A simplified, easy-to-understand, illustrated explanation of the genetic concepts which characterize how many mutations are inherited in different finches. Includes definitions of terms such as "allele" and "sex-linked."
- Lady Gouldian Genetics - Learn about how head colors, breast colors, and body colors are inherited in the Lady Gouldian Finch. Includes breeding charts, breeding outcomes, and colorful illustrations that will help you determine what you can expect from a given pairing of birds.
- Owl (Bicheno) Genetics - Learn about how body and rump colors are inherited in the Owl Finch. Includes breeding charts, breeding outcomes, and colorful illustrations that will help you determine what you can expect from a given pairing of birds.
Under Construction:
- Basic Pigment Information
- Shaft-tail Genetics
- Zebra Finch Genetics
- Bengalese Genetics
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