Diet & Nutrition

Contrary to popular belief, grit is not necessary and not recommended.
- Nutritional Requirements - Contains some basic information on each of the nutrients required by birds, including a table which details approximate "recommended nutritional allowances for granivorous (passerine) companion bird diets."
- Feed & Feeding Hygiene - Discusses problems associated with unhygienic feeding practices and provides information on how to avoid these problems.
- Seed Mixes & Formulated Diets - Addresses the deficiencies present in seed-only diets and discusses the recommended use of formulated diets.
- Safe, Toxic, & Unsafe Foods - Provides a list of fresh foods which are safe to provide to finches in moderation, as well as a list of unsafe foods which should be avoided.
- Preparing an Egg-Mix & Other Soft Foods - Includes instructions for making an egg-mix and recipes for other healthy supplements.
- Sprouting Seeds - Instructions for how to sprout seeds at home, including a list of needed materials.
- Live Foods - Discussion of live foods including insectivore diet alternatives.
- Culture Mealworms - Instructions for starting and maintaining a mealworm colony.
- Culture Fruit Flies - Instructions for starting and maintaining a fruit fly colony.
- Culture Phoenix Worms - Instructions for starting and maintaining a colony of Black Soldier Fly Larvae.
- Introducing New Foods - Tips for weaning finches onto formulated diets and encouraging them to eat novel foods such as vegetables.
- Austerity Diet & Feeding for Breeding - Discusses appropriate diets for breeding and non-breeding birds as well as why nutrient requirements are different between the two groups.
- Is Grit Really Necessary? - Presents the facts you need to know regarding the use of grit for finches.
- Nutrients & Their Sources - Includes a table which covers the major nutrients required by the avian body, their likelihood of deficiency, and some natural sources that contain the nutrients.
- Nutrients: Signs of Excess - Some symptoms of nutrient overdose/toxicity.
- Nutrients: Signs of Deficiency - Some symptoms of nutrient deficiency.
Articles in Progress: