Finch Species' Profiles

Click on a species below to read its own "about me" page which features: physical descriptions, pictures, compatibility, information on breeding, disposition, singing ability, breeding season, natural habitat, favorite foods, special considerations, habits, common and scientific names, relative hardiness, etc.

Species which are generally considered passive.

Lady Gouldian Finch Star Finch Owl (Bicheno) Finch
Chloebia gouldiae Neochmia ruficauda Taeniopygia bichenovii

Pin-tailed Nonpareil/Parrot Finch Red-throated Parrot Finch Blue-faced Parrot Finch
Erythrura prasina Erythrura psittacea Erythrura trichroa

Swee (Yellow-bellied) Waxbill Common (St. Helena) Waxbill Black-rumped (Red-eared) Waxbill
Estrilda melanotis Estrilda astrild Estrilda troglodytes

Blue-breasted Cordon Bleu Blue-capped Cordon Bleu Red-cheeked Cordon Bleu
Uraeginthus angolensis Uraeginthus cyanocephala Uraeginthus bengalus

Red Avadavat (Strawberry Finch) Red Avadavat (Strawberry Finch) Orange Cheeked Waxbill
Amandava amandava Amandava amandava Estrilda melpoda

Goldbreast [-ed Waxbill] Pearl-headed Mannikin Bronze [-winged] Mannikin
Amandava subflava Lonchura griseicapilla Lonchura cucullata

Society (Bengalese) Finch African Silverbill Spice Finch
Lonchura striata domestica Lonchura cantans Lonchura punctulata

Black-headed Mannikin/Munia/Nun Tri-colored Munia/Nun White-headed Mannikin/Munia/Nun
Lonchura atricapilla Lonchura malacca Lonchura maja

Species which are generally considered pushy.

Red-winged Pytilia (Aurora Finch) European Goldfinch Green Singing Finch
Pytilia phoenicoptera Carduelis carduelis Serinus mozambicus

Paradise Whydah Pin-tailed Whydah Pin-tailed Whydah
Vidua paradisaea Vidua macroura Vidua macroura

Purple Grenadier Purple Grenadier Lavender Waxbill
Uraeginthus ianthinogaster Uraeginthus ianthinogaster Estrilda caerulescens

Shaft-tail (Heck's Grass) Finch Zebra Finch Zebra Finch
Poephila acuticauda Taeniopygia guttata Taeniopygia guttata

Zebra Finch Zebra Finch Zebra Finch
Taeniopygia guttata Taeniopygia guttata Taeniopygia guttata

Species which are generally considered aggressive.

Cut-throat Finches Diamond Firetail Melba Finch
Amadina fasciata Emblema guttata Pytilia melba

Orange (Red Bishop) Weaver Orange (Red Bishop) Weaver Saffron Finch
Euplectes orix Euplectes orix Sicalis flaveola

Java (Rice Bird) Sparrow Java (Rice Bird) Sparrow Java (Rice Bird) Sparrow
Padda oryzivora Padda oryzivora Padda oryzivora

Species which are generally considered unfit for a mixed aviary.

Bar-breasted Firefinch Crimson Finch Cuban (Melodious) Finch
Lagonosticta rufopicta Neochmia phaeton Tiaris canora

Black-throated (Parson's) Finch Peter's Twinspot Violet-eared Waxbill
Poephila cincta Hypargos niveoguttatus Uraeginthus granatina

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