Site Updates
May 2016
April 2016
December 2015
November 2015
Orange Cheeked Waxbill
Goldbreasted Waxbill
Bronze-Winged Mannikin
Removed Finch Antics and Finches in the News; moved Scientific Finch Articles to the Resources section
Finch Lovers Gift Guide
Society (Bengalese) Finch
African Silverbill
Spice Finch
Chestnut (Black-headed) Munia
Tri-colored Munia
October 2015
Pin-tailed Whydah
Live Foods
Safe and Toxic Plants
Culture Mealworms
Culture Fruit Flies
Lady Gouldian Finch
Star Finch
Owl (Bicheno) Finch
Red-throated Parrot Finch
Blue-faced Parrot Finch
Swee (Yellow-bellied) Waxbill
Common (St. Helena) Waxbill
Black-rumped (Red-eared) Waxbill
Cordon Bleu Waxbills
Red Avadavat (Strawberry Finch)
September 2015
Removed the Classifieds section for lack of use
Paradise Whydahs
February 2015
December 2014
Pin-tailed Parrotfinch
Pearl-headed Mannikin
Tri-colored Munia
Red-winged Pytilia
Green-winged Pytilia
October 2012
September 2012
Blue-faced Parrot Finch
Gold-breasted Waxbill
Bronze-winged Mannikin
Parson's Finch
Purple Grenadier
Species - Added new photographs to: White-headed Munia, Orange Cheeked Waxbill, Orange Weaver, African Silverbill, Lavender Waxbill, Common Waxbill, Black-headed Munia, Strawberry Finch, Cordon Bleu, Green Singing Finch, St. Helena Waxbill, Zebra Finch, Society Finch, Cut-throat Finch, Gouldian Finch, Owl Finch
Links - removed some broken links, added new species links
March 2010
Diseases & Disorders - section started
Finches in the News- Removed Nov. 2015Links - removed broken links
August 2009
September 2007
Finches in the News- Removed Nov. 2015
July 2007
Guest Article: Guide to Hand Feeding Finches by V.M.
Trimming Nails and Beaks - includes a new video of nail trimming.
Revised site to make it "printer friendly."
Finches in the News- Removed Nov. 2015-
Guest Article: Raising Blue-Capped Cordon Bleus by Brian Kozak
May 2007
April 2007
March 2007
February 2007
Orange (Red Bishop) Weaver
Finch Breeders (Links)
Owl (Bicheno) Finch
White-headed Munia
Star Finch
Spice Finch
Society Finch
Saffron Finch
Red Avadavat (Strawberry Finch)
Orange Cheeked Waxbill
Lady Gouldian Finch
Java (Rice Bird) Sparrow
Green Singing Finch
European Goldfinch
Common Waxbill
Black-rumped Waxbill
Black-headed Nun
Cordon Bleu Waxbill
African Silverbill
Visitor Aviaries and Bird Rooms
Finch Sites (Links)
Search this Site
Added pop-up definitions to the Genetics articles.
Added auto notification of broken links.
January 2007
Scientific Finch Articles
Finches in the News- Removed Nov. 2015Books
November 2006
Leg Bands & Record Keeping
My Birds
Finches in the News- Removed Nov. 2015Books
July 2006
Finches in the News- Removed Nov. 2015Link Exchange Program- Removed due to spam botsBooks
Nest Checks
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Guest Articles
Site Updates
Submit an aviary design
June 2006
Ask Your Question- Removed Sept 2012 due to spambots Safe Plants and Toxic Plants
Converted site to PHP, added new designs
Submit photos of your finches
Visitor Aviaries and Bird Rooms
Tip Jar (Donations)
Guest Book- Removed Sept 2012 due to spambots-
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