Bird and Finch Books

Medical (Scientific) Reference

Altman, R. B., Clubb, S. L., Dorrestein, G. M., & Quesenberry, K. (1997). Avian medicine and surgery. Philadelphia, PA: W. B. Saunders Company. [27]

Atkinson, C. T., Hunter, D. B., & Thomas, N. J. (Eds.) (2008). Parasitic diseases of wild birds. Ames, IA: Wiley-Blackwell. [55]

Bronner-Fraser, M. (Ed.). (2008). Avian embryology (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: Elsevier. [44]

Brown, D. (2003). Under the microscope: Microscope use and pathogen identification in birds and reptiles. NSW, Australia: ABK Publications. [43]

Cannon, M. J. (2002). Basic health and disease in birds. New South Wales, Australia: Australian Birdkeeper. [1]

Carpenter, J. W. (2013). Exotic animal formulary (4th ed.). Saint Louis, MO: Elsevier Saunders. [24]

Coles, B. H. (2007). Essentials of avian medicine and surgery (3rd ed.). Ames, IA: Blackwell Publishing Ltd. [56]

Doneley, B. (2011). Avian medicine and surgery in practice. London, UK: Manson Publishing Ltd. [48]

Donnelly, T. M., & Mayer, J. (Eds.) (2013). Clinical veterinary advisor: Birds and exotic pets. Saint Louis, MO: Elsevier Saunders. [49]

Duerr, R. S., & Gage, L. J. (2007). Hand-rearing birds. Ames, IA: Blackwell Publishing. [47]

Durden, L. A., & Mullen, G. R. (Eds.) (2009). Medical and veterinary entomology (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Elsevier. [54]

Harrison, G. J., & Harrison, L. R. (1986). Clinical avian medicine and surgery. Philadelphia, PA: W. B. Saunders Company. [2]

Harrison, G. J., & Lightfoot, T. L. (2006). Clinical avian medicine. Palm Beach, FL: Spix Publishing Inc. [28]

Hill, G. E., & McGraw, K. J. (Eds.). (2006). Bird coloration volume 1: Mechanisms and measurements. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. [46]

Hoefer, H. L. (Ed.). (1997). Practical avian medicine. Trenton, NJ: Veterinary Learning Systems. [3]

Kaiser, P., Kaspers, B., & Schat, K. A. (2014). Avian immunology (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: Elsevier. [51]

Klasing, K. C. (2000). Comparative avian nutrition. New York, NY: CABI Publishing. [26]

Lynch, P. J., & Proctor, N. S. (1993). Manual of ornithology: Avian structure and function. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. [50]

Olsen, G. H., & Orosz, S. E. (2000). Manual of avian medicine. St. Louis, MO: Mosby, Inc. [16]

Quinn, P. J., & Markey, B. K. (2001). Disinfection and disease prevention in veterinary medicine. In S. S. Block (Ed.), Disinfection, sterilization, and preservation (5th ed.) (pp. 1069-1104). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. [4]

Ritchie, B. W., Harrison, G. J., & Harrison, L. R. (1994). Avian medicine: Principles and application. Lake Worth, FL: Wingers Publishing. [5]

Rosskopf, W. J., & Woerpel, R. W. (Eds.). (1996). Diseases of cage and aviary birds (3rd ed.). Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins. [6]

Rosskopf, W. J., & Woerpel, R. W. (Eds.). (1991). The veterinary clinics of North America, small animal practice: Avian pet medicine (Vol. 21). Philadelphia, PA: W. B. Saunders Company. [29]

Rupley, A. E. (1997). Manual of avian practice Philadelphia, PA: Saunders. [17]

Rupley, A. E. (Ed.). (2005). Veterinary clinics of North America, exotic animal practice: Avian pet medicine. Philadelphia, PA: W. B. Saunders Company. [57]

Samour, J. (2016). Avian medicine (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Elsevier. [52]

Scanes, C. G. (Ed.). (2015). Sturkie's avian physiology (6th ed.). San Diega, CA: Academic Press. [18]

Speer, B. L. (2015). Current therapy in avian medicine and surgery. Boston, MA: Elsevier. [53]

Tully, T. N., Lawton, M. P. C., & Dorrestein, G. M. (Eds.). (2000). Avian medicine. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann. [7]

Zann, R. A. (1996). The zebra finch: A synthesis of field and laboratory studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [32]

General (Unscientific) Reference

Alderton, D. (1988). A birdkeeper's guide to finches. Blacksburg, VA: Tetra Press. [8]

Alderton, D. (1999). The complete book of finches and softbills: Their care and breeding. Neptune City, NJ: T.F.H. Publications. [30]

Bird, D. M. (1999). The bird almanac. Buffalo, NY: Firefly Books. [9]

Blazey, P. S. (1991). The proper care of finches. Neptune City, NJ: T.F.H. Publications. [10]

Clement, P., Harris, A., Davis, J. (1993). Finches & sparrows: An identification guide. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. [31]

Deutsch, R. (2004). The healthy bird cookbook: A lifesaving nutritional guide and recipe collection. Neptune City, NJ: T.F.H. Publications. [38]

Evans, S., & Fidler, M. (1986). The gouldian finch. Dorset, England: Blandford Press. [36]

Gallerstein, G. A. (2003). The complete bird owner's handbook. New York, NY: Howell Book House. [25]

Goodwin, D. (1982). Estrildid finches of the world. Ithica, NY: Cornell University Press. [23]

Harman, I., & Vriends, M. M. (1978). All about finches and related seed-eating birds. Neptune City, NJ: T.F.H. Publications. [11]

Harvey, R. (1993). Practical incubation, revised edition. Blaine, WA: Hancock House Publishers. [39]

Immelmann, K. (1982). Australian finches in the bush and aviary. Sydney, Australia: Angus & Robertson. [22]

Johnsgard, P. A. (1997). The avian brood parasites: Deception at the nest. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. [42]

Kelsey-Wood, D. (1994). Finches as a hobby. Neptune City, NJ: T.F.H. Publications. [12]

Kingston, R. (2010). The finch: A breeder's companion. Queensland, Australia: Indruss Productions. [41]

Koepff, C., & Romagnano, A. (2001). The finch handbook. Hauppauge, NY: Barron's Educational Series. [13]

Landry, G. P. (1997). Varieties and genetics of the zebra finch. Franklin, LA: Poule d'eau Publishing Co. [45]

Larosa, D. (1973). How to build everything you need for your birds. Simi Valley, CA: LaRosa Publications. [19]

Marshall, R., Lewis, M., Tristram, R., & Martin, T. (2005). Gouldian finches and their mutations, revised edition. New South Wales, Australia: Australian Birdkeeper. [20]

McCarthy, E. M. (2006). Handbook of avian hybrids of the world. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. [37]

Meaden, F. (1979). A manual of European bird keeping. Dorset, England: Blandford Press. [14]

Mobbs, A. J. (1990). The complete book of Australian finches. Neptune City, NJ: T.F.H. Publications. [14]

Restall, R. (1975). Finches and other seed-eating birds. London, England: Faber and Faber. [35]

Restall, R. (1996). Munias and mannikins. Sussex, England: Pica Press. [21]

Trollope, J. (1992). Seed-eating birds: Their care and breeding. London, England: Blandford. [34]

Vriends, M. M., & Heming-Vriends, T. M. (2002). Hancock house encyclopedia of estrildid finches. Blaine, WA: Hancock House Publishers. [40]

Vriends, M. M. (1991). Gouldian finches. Hauppauge, NY: Barron's Educational Series. [15]

Reference Remarks

1. Basic Health & Disease in Birds by Dr. Michael J. Cannon
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Annotation - Recommended Recommended Book
Covers topics concerning bird health including, but not limited to, diseases (infectious, non-infectious, viral, bacterial illness), nutritional problems, parasites, and cures (if any). Easy-to-read and in many cases applies to finches, although it appears to focus on hookbills. Very basic medical reference; recommended if you cannot obtain a veterinary medical text. It is a paperback, inexpensive.

2. Clinical Avian Medicine and Surgery by Greg Harrison, DVM
This book has 717 pages divided into 53 chapters that cover a broad range of topics of interest to the avian veterinarian. Many of the chapters include useful information for aviculturists as well, such as husbandry practices, evaluation of droppings, therapeutics, nutritional, viral, and bacterial diseases, parasites, and aviculture management. Unfortunately all of the photographs in this book are black & white and this book is somewhat dated. Hardback, may be a bit pricey.

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3. Practical Avian Medicine by Heidi Hoefer, DVM
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Annotation - Recommended Recommended Book
This relatively inexpensive veterinary medical text is filled with specific information about selected clinical issues. It is not a general text that covers a little bit about every topic; rather this "collection is designed to offer readers a succinct approach to pertinent issues in avian medicine and surgery." Articles include: avian cardiovascular & GI anatomy, emergency care for egg binding, avian zoonoses, avian dermatology, and avian mites. Recommended, paperback, 240 pages.

4. Disinfection, Sterilization, and Preservation (5th ed.) by Seymour Block, Ph.D.
Although reading 1481 pages on disinfectants and all of the chemistry involved in their mechanisms and activities may not sound particularly riveting, this book thankfully has an entire chapter dedicated to "Disinfection and Disease Prevention in Veterinary Medicine" (Ch. 54) which is highly applicable to aviculturists, and is easy to read. Therefore if you are able to find a copy of this book, please refer to pages 1069-1104 to answer any of your questions about disinfectants and their uses. Hardback, expensive.

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5. Avian Medicine: Principles and Application by Branson Ritchie, DVM, Ph.D.
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Annotation - Recommended Recommended Book
If you buy just one avian veterinary medical text, I recommend that you get this one. Although it may be a bit expensive, it covers so many topics in detail that it is well worth its cost. Examples of topics include: evaluating and treating problems, nutritional requirements and knowledge (including malnutrition and clinical conditions associated with it), evaluating droppings (including color photographs), bacteria, parasites, toxins, and so forth. This book includes many descriptive color photographs and even has an entire 28 page section dedicated just to passeriformes (the order of birds to which finches belong). The passeriformes section includes anatomy & physiology, avicultural considerations, and diseases. Hardback, 1384 pages.

6. Diseases of Cage and Aviary Birds (3rd ed.) by Walter Rosskopf, DVM
This 1088 page avian veterinary medical text focuses largely on psittacine species (parrots), but does have sections dedicated to canaries & finches as well as wild passerines. Other presented topics include: caging and environment, nutrition, emergency medicine, various diseases and disorders (including digestive, reproductive, toxic, traumatic, viral, bacterial, fungal, and so forth), and anatomy. Hardback, moderately expensive.

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7. Avian Medicine by Thomas Tully, DVM
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(*Revised Ed.)
This fairly expensive text does not go into any great detail about any topic, although it does cover basic anatomy, physiology, and nutrition, and it does contain a somewhat scant section on passerines and exotic softbills. Hardback, 411 pages.

8. A Birdkeeper's Guide to Finches by David Alderton
This little 117 paged book features beautiful color photographs and a fairly extensive species section which briefly describes the distribution, size, diet, sexing, and compatibility of many finch species. Unfortunately because this is not a medical text, the advice presented in it related to nutrition and illness is often misleading or incorrect and should not be considered reliable. Hardback.

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9. The Bird Almanac by David Bird, Ph.D.
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This book is a fun reference text compiled from a vast scope of interesting facts and figures related to the birds of the world. Although it does not offer much by way of advice for husbandry practices and so forth, it is a book to look in if you want to know the approximate total plasma protein ratio in a crow, or the frequency range of the robin's song signal. Paperback, 460 pages (several of which are duplicates, perhaps due to a printing error--at least in my copy of this book).

10. The Proper Care of Finches by Phillip St. Blazey
Wonderful photos fill up most of the book, leaving little-to-no room for information, so unfortunately this book is fairly basic. Poor coverage on health matters, with a scant description of many finch species. Hardback, 256 pages.

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11. All about Finches and Related Seed-eating Birds by Ian Harman
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Copyrighted in 1978, this book contains mostly black and white photos. It is fairly informative, and covers over 100 species, separating them into categories: true finches, buntings, cardinals, weavers, waxbills, etc. Unfortunately because this is not a medical text, the advice presented in it related to nutrition should not be considered reliable. It is a hardback, 224 pages long.

12. Finches as a Hobby by Dennis Kelsey-Wood
Covers cages & aviaries, breeding, exhibition, health care, and general descriptions of popular finch species. Very nice color photos, paperback, 98 pages, but not very detailed. Also, because this is not a medical text, the advice presented in it related to nutrition should not be considered reliable.

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13. The Finch Handbook by Christa Koepff
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Annotation - Recommended Recommended Book
Revised edition of "The New Finch Handbook." Detailed examination of 60 finch species, including physical description, distribution and habitat, habits, requirements in captivity, food, and breeding. Also covers other topics including anatomy, housing, and breeding. Although basic health and nutrition are also presented, these topics are better explored in an avian veterinary medical text. Paperback, beautiful color pictures & nice drawings.

14. The Complete Book of Australian Finches by A.J. Mobbs
Literally covers everything from Accommodation to Zebra Finch, including (but not limited to) exhibiting finches, line breeding, live food, etc. Contains a little bit about everything one needs to know about Australian finches and their care, but is not very detailed in many cases, and information presented on diet is not always reliable. Gorgeous color pictures, and some nice black and white ones. Hardback, 144 pages.

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15. Gouldian Finches by Matthew M. Vriends, Ph.D.
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Although this book claims that it covers everything about purchase, housing, care, nutrition, breeding, and diseases, one can easily make the argument that everything about all of those topics cannot possibly be covered in its mere 80 pages. The photographs are vibrant, although the "diluted yellow gouldian" pictured on the upper right hand corner of p. 28 is unnatural and unrealistic. This book does feature genetics & matings lists, but unfortunately the genetics for some of the head colors appear to be incorrect & misleading. Additionally because this is not a medical text, much of the advice presented in it related to health and nutrition should not be considered reliable. Paperback.

16. Manual of Avian Medicine by Glenn H. Olsen, DVM, PhD
Annotation - Recommended Recommended Book
This veterinary medical text covers many aspects of avian medicine, including: dermatology, behavior problems, neurologic problems, reproductive disorders, abnormal droppings, neonatal complications, toxicology, nutrition, parasitism, necropsies, and much more. It is written in an easy-to-follow outline format. Paperback, 622 pages.

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17. Manual of Avian Practice by Agnes E. Rupley, DVM, ABVP
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This book is written for veterinarians (including information such as "how to take a history and do a physical exam," but has a lot of useful information which pet bird owners may find useful. Topics covered include: evaluation of droppings, laboratory diagnostics, nutrition, home care, signs of illness (general, respiratory, gastrointestinal, ophthalmic, neurologic, musculoskeletal, dermatologic), common diseases and treatments, necropsy (including egg necropsy), aviculture (aviary management), pediatrics, safe and toxic plants list. Paperback, 556 pages, sparse pictures (mostly black and white).

18. Sturkie's Avian Physiology by Colin G. Scanes
This book contains some very detailed information about topics which are very specific to avian physiology. The subjects are pretty dry and may be most useful for researchers working with birds. It covers vision, hearing, chemical senses, the spinal cord, motor control, the avian nervous system, skeletal muscle, cardiovascular system, respiration, flight, energy balance, regulation of body temperature, endocrinology, reproduction, incubation, growth and development, etc.

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19. How to Build Everything You Need for Your Birds by Don Larosa
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This little book is designed more like a pamphlet--stapled together instead of bound. It covers everything from building nestboxes to building "all weather" outdoor aviaries, as well as information on how to wire the aviary for light and power. It is important to keep in mind that although most of the construction recommends using wood, wood is impossible to disinfect. This means that if you decide to build a "hospital cage" out of wood as described in this book, you cannot reuse the hospital cage unless other measures are taken to "seal" the wood so that the surfaces inside the cage may be disinfected. Drawings are fairly easy to follow and understand. Paperback, 55 pages.

20. Gouldian Finches and Their Mutations (Revised Edition) by Dr. Rob Marshall
Annotation - Recommended Recommended Book
This book contains information applicable to the Lady Gouldian Finch: wild populations, captive housing and breeding, and mutations (including many "new" and "controversial" mutations). I recommend ignoring the section on "nutrition" entirely since better information is available through veterinary medical texts. Additionally, the genetics section unfortunately states "not enough is known at this time" when describing the mechanism which produces many of the newer colorations. The section on health and disease may be applicable to many species of finches. Lots of color photographs. Paperback, 160 pages.

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21. Munias and Mannikins by Robin Restall
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Detailed examination of about 40 finch species within the genus Lonchura, with field notes including physical description, distribution and habitat, habits, food, and breeding. This is a very interesting read for owners of Lonchura spp. who would like to learn more about how their birds behave in the wild. Some information on captive behavior is available for a few of the species. The paintings are very helpful in showing which birds belong to which species. Paperback, 134 pages, beautiful color paintings (no photos) & nice drawings.

22. Australian Finches in the Bush and Aviary by Klaus Immelmann
Annotation - Recommended Recommended Book
Although a somewhat old text (original copyright 1965), this book provides plenty of detail about australian finches, including: description, distribution, field notes, wild food and feeding habits, calls, courtship and mating, nesting, breeding, social activities, and aviary notes such as housing, captive feeding and breeding, and extensive lists of hybrids which have occurred between species. Hardback, illustrated.

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23. Estrildid Finches of the World by Derek Goodwin
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Written by an ornithologist, this text covers Estrildidae nomenclature, distribution, coloration, nestling mouth patterns, biology, plumage, species behavior (including feeding habits, preening, parental care, display, voice), as well as some advice for keeping the different species. The estrildid group of finches includes Australian firetails and grassfinches, African waxbills and firefinches, munias, avadavats, and parrot finches. Hardback, 328 pages, pretty color paintings (no photos) & a few drawings.

24. Exotic Animal Formulary, 4e by James W. Carpenter
Veterinary formulary that gives drug doses per species and drug information. Covers numerous species of birds as well as many other exotic species such as fish, reptiles, rodents, rabbits, etc.

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25. The Complete Bird Owner's Handbook by Gary A. Gallerstein, D.V.M.
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This is a revised and updated version. Written by a veterinarian, this text covers general information for the benefit of bird owners. Although this is not a medical text nor written specifically about finches, it is an easy-to-understand reference which covers a wide range of topics related to caring for birds, including: new bird purchase and acclimatization to your home, housing recommendations, feeding tips (including recipes to try at home), basic anatomy and physiology, how to recognize a sick bird, a handy index of symptoms of illness and other problems, first aid and home medical care, basic information on various diseases and disorders, and more. Hardback.

26. Comparative Avian Nutrition by Kirk C. Klasing
In-depth information is provided in this book, covering the nutritional and physiological topics of: dietary patterns, anatomy and physiology of the digestive system, the digestion of food, nutritional strategies and adaptations, nutrient requirements, amino acids, lipids, carbohydrates, energy, minerals, and vitamins.

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27. Avian Medicine and Surgery by Robert B. Altman, DVM
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Written by veterinarians, this extensive text covers both basic and advanced clinical avian medicine and aviculture, and is geared toward avian practitioners.

28. Clinical Avian Medicine by G. J. Harrison, DVM
Annotation - Recommended Recommended Book
This two volume set is written by avian veterinarians and is very extensive with numerous photographs.

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29. The Veterinary Clinics of North America, Small Animal Practice: Avian Pet Medicine (November 1991) by Walter J. Rosskopf, Jr, DVM
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This little book is a compilation of veterinary medical articles written by the authors as well as guest editors who are veterinarians. It briefly touches on a broad range of subjects and may be considered helpful for an avian practitioner.

30. The Complete Book of Finches and Softbills: Their Care and Breeding by David Alderton
This book focuses mainly on advice regarding housing, nutrition, and health concerns. Hardback.

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31. Finches & Sparrows: an Identification Guide by Peter Clement
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Catalogs birds belonging to Fringillidae, Estrildidae, and Passeridae. For each bird, covers: identification, confusion species, description of adult male, adult female, and juvenile, geographical variation, voice, status, habitat, behavior, distribution, movements, and measurements. Hardback.

32. The Zebra Finch: A Synthesis of Field and Laboratory Studies by Richard A. Zann
Very comprehensive book pertaining to the zebra finch based on scientific study of the species. Covers such topics as evolutionary history, distribution and habitat, morphology, domestication, moulting, diet, foraging, nesting activity and diet, drinking, thermoregulation, coloniality, nesting, incubation and hatching, intra-specific brood parasitism, development of young, breeding periodicity, opportunistic breeding, social and reproductive behavior, mate choice, vocalisations, and much more.

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33. A Manual of European Bird Keeping by Frank Meaden
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Discusses housing, feeding, and has some interesting takes on nest site ideas primarily for use in an aviary setting. Includes notes (habitat, aviary, food, breeding) on a few finch species. Hardback.

34. Seed-eating Birds: Their Care and Breeding by Jeffrey Trollope
Briefly covers general care topics such as aviaries and bird rooms, plants, as well as breeding methods and notes on habitat, behavior, breeding period, incubation, & nest preferences for a number of finch species as well as other birds such as button quail. Paperback.

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35. Finches and Other Seed-eating Birds by Robin Restall
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Covers housing, food, breeding, and provides notes and descriptions on a fair number of species including those of Emberizinae, Fringillinae, Estrildidae, Amadinae, Erythrurae. Hardback.

36. The Gouldian Finch by Stewart Evans
Covers information on natural habitat, "life under natural conditions," captive history, housing, nutrition, cage and colony breeding methods, genetics, selective breeding, mutations, diseases, and exhibition. Hardback.

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37. Handbook of Avian Hybrids of the World by Eugene McCarthy
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Lists of species which have hybridized.

38. The Healthy Bird Cookbook: A Lifesaving Nutritional Guide and Recipe Collection by Robin Deutsch
Extensive recipe book geared toward birds.

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39. Practical Incubation (Revised Edition) by Rob Harvey
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Details artificial incubation of eggs including handling of eggs, hygiene, monitoring, and incubator set up. Paperback.

40. Hancock House Encyclopedia of Estrildid Finches by Matthew Vriends
Introductory information on such topics as pet finch origin, housing, shipping, common illnesses, food, breeding; also includes descriptions of species dating mostly from the 1800s. Good photos. Hardback.

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41. The Finch: a Breeder's Companion by Russell Kingston
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Annotation - Recommended Recommended Book
If you only buy one finch book, make it this one. Quite possibly the most extensive book on captive finches ever published in an easy-to-read format. Covers breeding, conservation, health, housing, husbandry, nutrition. Details many species describing such things as gender identification, natural distribution and habitat, field notes, keeping and breeding including degree of difficulty, specific health issues, behavior, color mutations, hybridization, and much more. Great photographs. Hardback.

42. The Avian Brood Parasites: Deception at the Nest by Paul A. Johnsgard
Reviews comparative biology such as evolutionary aspects of bood parasitism, adaptations of structure, plumage, acoustics, and eggs, breeding behavior of the parasites as well as host defenses. Goes on to discuss the specifics of a number of avian brood parasites, including African parasitic finches of family Passeridae, which includes indigobirds as well as whydahs. Hardback.

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43. Under the Microscope: Microscope Use and Pathogen Identification in Birds and Reptiles by Dr. Danny Brown
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Written for the pet owner with an interest in performing home microscopy. Reviews microscope use, sample selection (including how to make a fecal smear or float), then goes on to provide detailed photographs of various avian (& reptile) pathogens for identification purposes. Paperback.

44. Avian Embryology, 2nd Edition by Marianne Bronner-Fraser
Extremely dry book regarding avian embryology, primarily based on studies of chicken and quail embryos. Geared toward the research scientist interested in having a guide to the use of the avian embryos in studies of vertebrate development. Covers preparation and sealing of eggs, generation of chimeras, cell division and differentiation, time-lapse imaging of the early avian embryo, and more. Hardback.

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45. Varieties and Genetics of the Zebra Finch by Garrie P. Landry
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Covers the mutations of zebra finch available in the United States, including: black breasted, black-face, orange breast, chestnut flanked white, isabel/Florida fancy, grey cheek, penguin, black cheek, lightback, dominant silver, dominant cream, white, pied, fawn, and eumo. Spiral bound.

46. Bird Coloration: Mechanisms and Measurements (Volume I) edited by Geoffrey E. Hill
Describes the effect of light on color communication, the mechanics of carotenoid-based, melanin-based, and uncommon coloration (pterins, porphyrins, psittacofulvins), as well as the anatomy, physics, and evolution of structural colors. Goes on to explain the hormonal control of coloration, the genetic basis of color variation in wild birds, and environmental regulation of ornamental coloration. Hardback.

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47. Hand-Rearing Birds by Laurie J. Gage, DVM
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Detailed book on techniques for hand raising a wide variety of specific bird species. Five chapters are dedicated to passerine species, including a chapter on hand-feeding diets specific to passerines, a chapter on hand-feeding house finches & goldfinches, as well as a chapter on hand feeding exotic finches which was contributed to the book by Sally Huntington.

48. Avian Medicine and Surgery in Practice by Bob Doneley
Veterinary medical text covering disorders of skin and feathers, beak and cere, eye, ear, legs feet and toes, musculoskeletal system, intestinal tract, liver, pancreas, cardiovascular system, lymphatic and haematopoietic systems, nervous system, reproductive tract, and urinary system. Also covers incubation of eggs and pediatrics. Does not have a chapter dedicated to finches; focuses primarily on hookbills. Hardback.

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49. Clinical Veterinary Advisor - Birds and Exotic Pets edited by Jörg Mayer
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Topics pertinent to birds include: abscesses, ascites, cardiac disease, chronic egg laying, cloacal prolapse, conjunctivitis, crop stasis, diarrhea, ectoparasitism, feather picking, and more. Each topic includes basic information such as risk factors and associated conditions, clinical presentation, etiology and pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment, monitoring, and prognosis. Helpful as a quick reference, but not very comprehensive.

50. Manual of Ornithology: Avian Structure and Function by Noble S. Proctor
General but detailed and heavily illustrated anatomical guide covering feathers, the skeleton, musculature, the digestive system, the circulatory system, the respiratory system, urogenital and endocrine systems, and the nervous system.

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51. Avian Immunology (2nd Edition) by Karel A. Schat
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Extremely detailed text on the immune system of birds, primarily based on research done in poultry. Covers structure of the lymphoid system, development of the immune system, the mucosal, respiratory, enteric, and reproductive immune systems, immunosuppressive diseases, autoimmune diseases (of poultry), and tumors of the immune system.

52. Avian Medicine, 3e by Jaime Samour
Book has been pre-ordered; review to be completed upon receipt of book.

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53. Current Therapy in Avian Medicine and Surgery by Brian L. Speer
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54. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, Second Edition by Gary R. Mullen
Discusses ecto- and endo-parasites of veterinary and human health importance, including vector-borne disease and arthropods which serve as intermediate hosts of parasites.

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55. Parasitic Diseases of Wild Birds by Carter T. Atkinson
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Focuses on the effects of parasites including protozoa, helminths, and arthropod parasites on avian hosts.

56. Essentials of Avian Medicine & Surgery, 3rd edition by Brian H. Coles
Truly just the "essentials" for an avian practitioner interested in a refresher on performing necropsies, radiographs, anesthesia and surgery. Does not go into any great detail on specific diseases, husbandry, or finches.

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57. Veterinary Clinics of North America, Exotic Animal Practice: Avian Pet Medicine by Agnes E. Rupley, DVM
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This little book is a compilation of veterinary medical articles written by contributors who are veterinarians. It briefly touches on a broad range of subjects and may be considered helpful for an avian practitioner.

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